The Second Science and Technology Innovation Summit was held on 5 May 2017.   The Academy was honoured to have the Chief Executive of HKSAR, Hon C Y Leung, and Professor Mu-Ming Poo, Director of Institute of Neuroscience at Chinese Academy of Science as the officiating guests.  Other distinguished guests Mr Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the China Liaison Office in Hong Kong SAR, and Mr Nicholas Yang, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology of Innovation and Technology Bureau also attended the Summit.

The 2nd Summit aimed at spearheading discussions between the academia and the business sector and explore opportunities of research commercialisation to connect market demand and adoption of technologies.  Bio-medicine and smart materials were chosen as the focus areas of the Summit.  Speakers including Prof Mu-Ming Poo, Prof Nancy Ip, Prof Hsiao-chang Chan, Prof Chi-ming Che, Prof Ben Zhong Tang, Prof Xiaoming Tao, Dr. Paul Ho and Prof Henry Yan were invited to share their experience and research findings.

Press release

